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Following is a preview of the first chapter of Benevolent Magic & Living Prayer. The entire book is available for free download.


Reveals the Mysteries November 21, 2004

Benevolent magic is a system designed to go beyond what you now know as prayer. Prayer is a system because it clearly defines what you want and need for yourself, your family, your friends, your community—the world. And it does so in a structured way that allows you to feel connected to Creator, whoever or whatever that named identity for Creator in your religion or philosophy is. Benevolent magic is a little different. It doesn't replace any of that prayer that you now do—continue to do that as you like. But it supports that.

Benevolent magic is separate in that it works directly with Creator, angels and benevolent beings, and the benevolent portion of the souls of all beings on Earth and everywhere. It can only be used benevolently, even if it is accidentally (or otherwise) said in some way that isn't benevolent. It will still only work as long as the experience for everyone is benevolent, including those who cooperate consciously or otherwise with bringing about your request . . . that's the whole point.

Benevolent Magic Allows a Sense of Union with All Beings

Benevolent magic is a request, not just words. Many of you will feel energy after you say the request. Sit with the energy if you can or feel the energy—not necessarily if you're operating a automobile, but let the energy be there if it possibly can be. It will fade or lessen, to a degree, in most cases. Now, many times you won't feel any energy. Then just go on after you complete it. Benevolent magic is provided by loving beings to help allow you and train you as a global community to begin doing things that will support each and every one of you. I know that you all want a cooperative, benevolent global community where everybody has what they need and everybody has the opportunity to have what they want.

Benevolent magic is intended, then, to allow you to cooperate in some way with other people who ask for something that cooperation on your part might help to provide—even though you won't know who they are or what they ask (maybe they're on the other side of the world). Your cooperation might be some tiny little thing that you will do unconsciously. It doesn't have control or power over you.

It might just mean that instead of scratching your head, you scratch your arm. It might be something silly like that, which may seem to be totally trivial and inconsequential but that could have some subtle effect. I am trying to suggest, then, that it would not be something that commands or overtakes your life, but it will allow you to make some trivial change in your life that will not harm you in any way.

The reason benevolent magic works is that all souls, all beings, who cooperate to help bring about in some way a benevolent result (also known as a benevolent outcome for your benevolent magic that you say and request) must be doing only something—if it's something different that they do at all—that is completely benevolent for them. So no one suffers in any way. Things just shift and change gently.

So this is training for you. I know that many of you have tried to find a philosophy, a governmental system, a way of thinking, a way of feeling—all kinds of different things—that everyone can feel good about and that will work for everyone. This system of benevolent magic may not be a government system; it may not be a religion. But it may have some aspects that suggest that it is a portion of some philosophy, perhaps, or that it can fit into a great many philosophies. It is not intended to replace the family system, friends or relationships.

This is not intended to replace medical science or anything like that. But it is intended to allow you to have a means by which you can cooperate with all other beings in a way thats totally benevolent for you. And just on that alone, it is a good system that will begin, gently, to allow you to have a sense of union with all beings.

The Fundamentals of Benevolent Magic

The fundamentals of benevolent magic are what you say and how you say it. I will now give an example of benevolent magic: You might say, "I request that I experience a most benevolent interview for 4 Benevolent Magic & Living Prayer my new job, and that that job will bring about a most benevolent outcome for me." That would be an example of a benevolent-magic statement.

Benevolent Magic
"I request that I experience a most benevolent interview for my new job, and that that job will bring about a most benevolent outcome for me."

You can tell, just by that statement, that it really sounds like something you might reasonably say to anyone. It might even be incorporated in a prayer or a request that youve made at other times. But it will have effects, and they will all be only benevolent.

I know Im saying the word "benevolent a lot, but Im trying to underscore this because the word "magic is in the title, and many of you have all kinds of ideas about what magic is. Magic, granted, appears to have something to do with that man or woman on the stage (or a youngster perhaps) who magically pulls something out of a hat, and you have no idea how that got in there. Or that person pours a glass of milk into the hat and then taps the hat and apparently . . . whered the milk go? So that seems to be magic as well. Then youve heard of magic that is kind of frightening and scary, and then also magic that compensates for that, which is gentle and loving and makes everything fine. So the term "benevolent magic is the factor here. Thats why Im explaining this a bit.

The function of benevolent magic does not really work very well unless you say it. It is not something that you say only for powerful and important moments in your life, such as the new job. You can also say it for the simplest little things, meaning . . . say youre going to go to have a hair appointment, get your hair done or maybe just get a haircut. So you might say, "I request that my appointment at the hair salon—"or at the barber—"go completely benevolently for me today, including a wonderful parking spot right out in front, and that this result in the most benevolent outcome for me.

Benevolent Magic
"I request that my appointment at the hair salon go completely benevolently for me today, including a wonderful parking spot right out in front, and that this result in the most benevolent outcome for me."

Benevolent Outcomes That Involve Others

Now, there will be times when you will say something where the request for the benevolent outcome might involve other people. For instance, you might say, "I request that my family outing today with everybody go well and smoothly for me, and that I experience at this outing great benevolence and happiness, and that this result in a most benevolent outcome."

Benevolent Magic
"I request that my family outing today with everybody go well and smoothly for me, and that I experience at this outing great benevolence and happiness, and that this result in a most benevolent outcome."

In this case, at the end we don't say "for me," because it's something you're doing with others—in this case, others whom you care about. In that case, unless you get a strong feeling at the end—by strong I mean something that you really feel uncomfortable about and you find that if you say "for me," that that works better—then good, but if you don't get that feeling, then just say "benevolent outcome," period, because it involves others directly.

For those of you who have an office or a business, you might say something similar: "That new project we're starting today," for instance, like that. Say, "I request that our new project at the office that we're beginning today go well and smoothly for me, and that all of the aspects of it fit very benevolently into place, and that this result in a most benevolent outcome," period. There are lots of other people at the office, and perhaps the project will result in some product that you hope will go out and serve the greater community and support your office and your business to produce other good products. So say, "the most benevolent outcome," period, because other people are involved.

That's not a hard and fast rule, but I'm telling it to you like that because many of you who are reading this book have not had a great deal of experience with things like this. So I'm suggesting this as a working rule. That is my suggestion along those lines.

Benevolent Magic
"I request that our new project at the office that we're beginning today go well and smoothly for me, and that all of the aspects of it fit very benevolently into place, and that this result in a most benevolent outcome."

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